Posts marked with "Posts" in posts

Accessing /var/log Files in PHP

If you have tried to access a log file in /var/log using PHP in Linux, you will see the “Permission denied” error. This is because, Apache doesn’t have read permission on the log file. Let’s look at the user groups that have permission to access the log files : it’s root and the program which created the file. Suppose, let’s say the log file is “/var/log/squid/access.log”. That file’s group and owner will be “proxy” and others won’t even have the read permission on it except **root **ofcourse.... [READ MORE]

Create HTML Chess Game With jQuery

We all love to play Chess, the most fascinating game that absolutely needs good thinking powers. You know that, comparing a human to a computer logically and arithmetically, computer has the superior power. So, certainly if you play a chess game with computer as opponent, a 90% chance is for the computer to be the winner. But, it is not sure. It was actually in C language by Oscar Toledo Gutiérrez, who created chess game program in less than 2 KB.... [READ MORE]

Finding Exact Document Root in PHP

You might know the DOCUMENT_ROOT value of the $_SERVER array. This value indicates the absolute location of the site directory where pages are served. In short, it’s the public folder of site as defined in the server’s configuration. Here’s a quick example : If you have a site in /home/me/site and can access it by, then the $_SERVER[‘DOCUMENT_ROOT’] is “/home/me/site”. If any page in the server, even if it is in many sub folders, the DOCUMENT_ROOT value will be the same.... [READ MORE]

Create Live Group Chat With PHP, jQuery & WebSocket

With the introduction of HTML5, a new technology was evolved in 2011 called WebSockets. This technology enables live connection with the server even after the page finished loading. It’s a better, replaceable version of AJAX for client to server communication in the background. With WebSocket technology, its possible to have a direct communication between server and client without any interruption and faster data transmission. So, to demonstrate this to me and for you, We’re going to create a live group chat with PHP, jQuery with the help of WebSockets.... [READ MORE]

Record, Play, Download Microphone Sound With HTML5

HTML5 has tons of new stuff that are exciting and very interesting. It arrived with features that would replace the need of Flash in browsers. Since the features that were available in Flash is coming into the native JavaScript, soon we won’t have to update our Flash player plugin and depend on Adobe for new awesome features. More integration with hardware technologies to the Web is the main important thing. We can now access the audio & video hardware of the user’s system efficiently with less code.... [READ MORE]

Animated AJAX Login Form With jQuery

The Web is growing rapidly. Each day, new features are arriving. With the coming of AJAX, many websites became more easy to handle. With jQuery, websites became more attractive with animations and styles. In this tutorial, we are going to create a stylish animated Login Form with jQuery, CSS & AJAX. With this, the login time for the user is greatly reduced as the page shouldn’t be loader all over again.... [READ MORE]

Auto Login Without Form in phpMyAdmin

If you’re using **phpMyAdmin **(PMA), you know that every time you use the application, you have to log in and when the cookie expires, you have to log in again. It’s an annoying thing to log in every time for a developer who needs to do work fast. There is a way to stop this annoying thing. It’s by disabling the login form and auto login when you visit phpMyAdmin.... [READ MORE]

Install Softwares With Dependencies Without Internet

Debian Systems like Ubuntu and others’ software packages has the extension .deb. With the file, you can install softwares on your system. While you click the “Install” button on Ubuntu Software Center or on Synaptic Package Manger, what the system actually do is downloading the .deb file from the server and installing it. These .deb files are installed using the dpkg software. It’s not necessarily required for you to have internet to install softwares, but if you don’t have the dependencies of the software, internet is required for the software to download and install it.... [READ MORE]

Installing Laravel In Sub Directory & Deny Access To It

Laravel is a PHP framework that reduces the work load of creating PHP applications. As it is a framework, there are limitations and some problems just like any other PHP program. Laravel framework has a “public” folder. The HTML files that are going to be displayed on Web Server will be from this folder. Since it is a sub directory of the framework, to access the real site, we would have to go to the following URL :... [READ MORE]

StatCounter Popular Posts Plugin For WordPress

StatCounter doesn’t really have a Popular Posts plugin for WordPress. Though many WordPress blog uses SC, it doesn’t have a widget that shows the Popular Posts. I uses it and wanted to have this feature. So, I created a plugin called StatCounter Popular Posts written in short ad SPP. It’s a plugin that adds a widget to WordPress which can be added to the WordPress Site layout (sidebar, footer, header …).... [READ MORE]



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