Posts marked with "SSH" in categories

Configuring SSH to Enter a Password Automatically

As you know, when you SSH into a system, it will ask for the password which you have to enter everytime. But in cases where you’re SSHing in a script or in a loop, its a really time consuming and boring thing to enter password everytime. So, in this case you have to configure SSH to use a password to enter when asked. But, there is no default option in the ssh command to set this due to security reasons I think.... [READ MORE]

How To Use FileZilla/SFTP To Update Site in OpenShift

In the recent post, I mentioned about OpenShift, a PaaS Service that offers Free Hosting. You can update your application using GIT. OpenShift also provides SSHing into your application. You may have heard of FTP protocol which allows you to transfer files through web. Most hosting companies use FTP protocol to update client apps. OpenShift unlike AppFog have FTP support, but in a different manner. It has SFTP support ie SSH File Transfer Protocol.... [READ MORE]

How to access a remote computer using SSH in Ubuntu Linux

SSH is the easiest way to access a remote computer not in graphical interface but in character interface. To access a remote computer you should need the computer’s ip address & a username of the computer. Now connect using the credentials you now have. For Example: ssh [email protected] Type the password of the user and hit enter. You now entered the user’s system. You can logout, shut down the computer if you ssh root user.... [READ MORE]



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