It’s been some time since I have been active on this blog. For the past months, I had been paying little attention to my blog. It’s because I was busy with other projects and school of course. From now on, I’ll try to make the blog more active. As a first step, I have updated the theme. This is the third update to the theme. The previous themes were named “Subin’s Blog V1” & “Subin’s Blog V2”.... [READ MORE]
Posts marked with "Posts" in posts
Get Architecture Plainly Without Version In Android
If you want to just get plainly the architecture of system like “arm” or “x86” in your apps, then this post is just for you. So with this function that I’m gonna present, you will get 3 values, “arm”, “mips” or “x86” whether or not the system is 32 bit or 64 bit. Here is the function : public static String getArch() { String arch = System.getProperty("os.arch").substring(0, 3).toLowerCase(); if (arch.equals("aar") || arch.... [READ MORE]
School Election Software "sElec"
I’m currently studying in 12th grade at Government Model Girls Higher Secondary School. Don’t mind the word “Girls” in the name, because in higher secondary both boys and girls study. Like schools all over the world, we have an election for each classes to select our class leader. Even in 21st century, our schools were conducting the election with ballot papers. So I thought why not make a software for it ?... [READ MORE]
PHP Output Buffering For Noobies
You might have heard about output buffering while you code in PHP. I will tell you what it is and how to use it simply. “Output Buffering” Meaning “Buffering” in computing means store (data) in a buffer while it is being processed or transferred. This is exactly what PHP does too. But, the default mechanism is not this. It is turned off by default i.e : data is not stored in a buffer while it is being processed or transferred.... [READ MORE]
Run Multiple WebSocket Services On Same Port
Are you as crazy as me when developing WebSocket applications ? It’s so awesome to work with WebSockets that will blow up your mind and irritate you at the same time. WebSockets can be used for any real time applications such as : Games Chat News File Transfer And because it’s impact is so vast, we can develop as many applications as we want. But, a problem arises for freebies like me and you.... [READ MORE]
Greed – A Short Film
Besides coding, my other passion is film making. I have already made some films since the age of 8. But those were raw footage and I didn’t edit them. When I was 11, I created an another film and edited it with Windows Movie Maker. I didn’t publish it and it still exist in my computer. Now, after 5 years I decided to create another film. This time with the help of my friends.... [READ MORE]
How To Install & Run Composer Binaries Globally
Take PHPUnit as an example. You can install it using Composer doing this : composer require phpunit/phpunit This will install a phpunit shortcut in vendor/bin directory. This obviously means you can run it. But, you would have to point to the exact location of the phpunit file to run : /home/username/mysite/vendor/bin/phpunit phpunit.xml But, that’s long and uncomfortable. And you would have to install PHPUnit separately for each projects. I’m gonna tell you how to install binaries globally as well as running it simply.... [READ MORE]
Earth Day Special – 21 KMs of Exploration
Today is Earth Day, a special day dedicated to our mother Earth. I didn’t knew about this day until I saw the Google Doodle today morning at 12:15 (around-ish). When I looked it up, I saw the ways to participate in this event : Walk to work, cycle or take public transport Cycle ? That’s my favorite thing besides coding. It’s a way I could relax and exercise without losing the fun.... [READ MORE]
Doing Random Things in PHP
Suppose you want to display something randomly in a news feed, or pick random elements from an array, or anything random in general. Programming Languages are used to define the way how something must be done. Hence in a technical way, it can’t do things randomly on it’s own. Otherwise it would be an AI (Artificial Intelligence). Doing random things is not done at compiling, but in execution. In case of PHP, this doesn’t matter as it’s an interpreter.... [READ MORE]
Theme Version 2
If you are reading this post, you should have seen the new UI of my blog. It’s a custom made theme created in a week during the exams. It’s similar to the old theme because, I liked it colorful and dark at the same time. I’m a Batman fan and black is good for the eyes. As a programmer, you don’t want to hurt your eyes. The theme is named “Subin’s Blog V2”.... [READ MORE]