I got into Debian packaging and one of the most brutal part was to type in the GPG secret key’s password every time I sign a package. I wasted a lot of time typing my long password. I searched a lot to cache my password for some time after I type it once. All of them said to edit gpg-agent.conf, but none of them worked for my fresh installation of Xubuntu 16.... [READ MORE]
Posts marked with "Operating System" in categories
Draw Animated Christmas Tree In Bash
It’s Christmas again and you’ll be receiving all kinds of greetings. How about greeting them back with a fancy way ? Show off your nerdiness with this super cool Christmas Tree in Bash. All you need is a bash shell. Most systems have bash shell by default, so you don’t have to install anything for this ! All thanks goes to the Argentian programmer Sergio Lepore for this cool script.... [READ MORE]
How To Install & Run Composer Binaries Globally
Take PHPUnit as an example. You can install it using Composer doing this : composer require phpunit/phpunit This will install a phpunit shortcut in vendor/bin directory. This obviously means you can run it. But, you would have to point to the exact location of the phpunit file to run : /home/username/mysite/vendor/bin/phpunit phpunit.xml But, that’s long and uncomfortable. And you would have to install PHPUnit separately for each projects. I’m gonna tell you how to install binaries globally as well as running it simply.... [READ MORE]
Vote For Lobby
I have mentioned before about my new project Lobby – A Web Operating System. I have been developing it for the past 1.5 years in my free time. It has been partially completed. To learn more about it, I request you to read this. I’m writing this post to request you to vote for the package Lobby in PHPClasses. If Lobby win it, more people would know about Lobby and I can develop the project further.... [READ MORE]
The Anagram Game
As you know, I have made Lobby – The localhost OS. I am in the process of adding more and more apps to it. This post explains how I created the Anagram game and the algorithm used for it. You can download the app from here or search for “Anagram” in the Lobby Store. The full source code is available on GitHub. Anagram Game How It Works ? There is a dictionary file containing many english words.... [READ MORE]
logSys Admin
After the release of logSys in May 2014, many have been asking for an admin panel of logSys. It’s finally here. I’m extremely happy to release logSys Admin as an app of Lobby. logSys Admin Logo You can find the app here on Lobby. Installation Download & Install Lobby. Open Lobby Open **Lobby Store **and search for “logSys Admin”. Click Install button. Usage Open App from the Lobby Dashboard and click “Go To Admin” button.... [READ MORE]
[][1]Lobby Logo Lobby is a new project of mine which was under development for more than a year. I’m proud to release it today with the first version 0.2. Lobby is a localhost Operating System like Android, iOS etc. What It Is I’ll explain it to you. There are many OSs in this world. From Ubuntu to Windows to Mac to Android to iOS and so on… Developing an application is tough as you have to port it to different OSs.... [READ MORE]
Resuming Download In Wget, cURL & aria2c
We all download stuffs and we want it to be perfect. No lagging, just download the fastest way, right ? I don’t download via browsers these days, because it is too slow (< 5 KB/s). Google Chrome downloads are the worst. So, I download via command line now. Not all downloading is easy. Sometimes it will break up. So, we must resume it. Only some servers allow to resume downloads. But, we need client softwares that is able to resume downloads.... [READ MORE]
Default TTL (Time To Live) Values of Different OS
TTL (Time To Live) is a timer value included in packets sent over networks that tells the recipient how long to hold or use the packet before discarding and expiring the data (packet). TTL values are different for different Operating Systems. So, you can determine the OS based on the TTL value. You can get the TTL value by pinging an address. Here is the output got by pinging “subinsb.com” on my system :... [READ MORE]