Posts marked with "Linux" in categories

Setting up Google DNS in Ubuntu

Google‘s DNS service is spreading rapidly. It’s time for you to use it. I used it and noticed some great speed changes even though my internet is just a dial up connection. Here is how to set up Google‘s DNS on your Ubuntu Linux. Open Network Settings (network-admin) by going to System -> Preferences -> Network Connections. Go to your default net connection and click on Edit button. You will get a window like below : Change the Method option to Automatic (PPP) addresses only.... [READ MORE]

Program to Replace localhost links with website url

If you are working on a project and wants to upload the project to your site, then you have to manually replace all the localhost links with the site url. I created a small Python program that will replace localhost links with your WWW site url. Here is the Python code : #!/usr/bin/python import os indir = ‘/var/www/mysite‘ #!Folder of your localhost site. for root, dirs, filenames in os.walk(indir):  for f in filenames:... [READ MORE]

Wine 1.6 is released with 10,000 changes

After 16 months of development, Wine version 1.6 has been officially released by the Wine Team. Wine is the Windows Program emulator for Linux and Mac. You can download the source files from here. You can only get the source files now. Binary packages are in the process of being built. If it’s been build you can download the Wine 1.6 version from here. What’s New ? New User Interface Networking capabilities Support for Windows Transparency Graphics improved JoyStick Installing Mono package for .... [READ MORE]

How to access a remote computer using SSH in Ubuntu Linux

SSH is the easiest way to access a remote computer not in graphical interface but in character interface. To access a remote computer you should need the computer’s ip address & a username of the computer. Now connect using the credentials you now have. For Example: ssh [email protected] Type the password of the user and hit enter. You now entered the user’s system. You can logout, shut down the computer if you ssh root user.... [READ MORE]

Revert back to normal resolution after running a fullscreen app in Wine

While running a fullscreen app in Wine such as games, you might not get the screen resolution back after you close the app. It’s because Linux won’t automatically change it’s resolution like Windows. But you could if you run a simple file in terminal. Here is how you could do it. Create a file named in your Desktop with the following contents: #!/bin/bash xrandr -s 0 Save it on a place where you can open it easily.... [READ MORE]

How to make a file executable in Ubuntu Linux

Executable files are files that can be used to run a program or to do a specific purpose specified in the file. Normally not all files defaultly would be executable in Linux because of security reasons. If all files are defaultly executable then the scripts can do whatever the hell they want to do in your computer. As we call them VIRUSES. This is one of the main reasons why you should use Linux.... [READ MORE]

How To Log Out Using Terminal in Ubuntu Linux

There is no specific command to logout in an Ubuntu system. Why ? Here’s how it works. The desktop you’re seeing is a separate software. They are called Desktop Environments (DE). The default DE of Ubuntu is Unity from Ubuntu’s 11.04 versions. Before it was GNOME. There are many DEs for Ubuntu. Some of them are : Openbox XFCE LXDE and many more.. There are also separate Login Managers to provide the login screen while Ubuntu is loaded.... [READ MORE]

Why you should switch to Linux from Windows 8

Definition of Windows : An Operating System that helps Microsoft Corporation increase their income and helps you to empty your wallet. Definition of Linux : An Operating System that helps users in a great manner and not for the profit of the company. Here is why you should switch to Linux from Windows ... [READ MORE]

How to edit/clear Ubuntu Terminal commands history ?

This simple trick will help you to clear or edit terminal commands you entered in Terminal of Ubuntu. Open the file /home/user/.bash_history (Replace red text with your username. To make it simple Go to your home folder and Press CTRL + H. It will show hidden files. search for the file .bash_history Edit the file. You can see all the commands you entered in Terminal. Remove what you don’t want and save.... [READ MORE]

Updating site in App Fog on Linux / Uploading site files to App Fog Server

You might have know what is App Fog in my previous post. In this tutorial I am going to tell you how to upload your site files to their servers. For that first install Ruby by using this command : sudo apt-get install ruby Then install Ruby Gem : sudo apt-get install gem AppFog uses a gem named AF. Install the AF gem by using the command : sudo gem install af Wait some time.... [READ MORE]



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