Updating site in App Fog on Linux / Uploading site files to App Fog Server

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You might have know what is App Fog in my previous post. In this tutorial I am going to tell you how to upload your site files to their servers. For that first install Ruby by using this command :

sudo apt-get install ruby

Then install Ruby Gem :

sudo apt-get install gem

AppFog uses a gem named AF. Install the AF gem by using the command :

sudo gem install af

Wait some time. After the installation is finished you can use AF command.
To upload the files first you need to CD to the folder where the files of your site is. To do that use the command below:

cd /pathtoyourfolder

Then you only need to upload the files by using the command below:

sudo af update sitename

Be patient. It will finish fast depending on the size of the folder. This process may require a restart of your site.
Note –  sometimes the command af may not work and you will get the error :

af: command not found

To fix this replace af with ruby /home/username/.gem/ruby/1.8/gems/af- on all of the commands using af.
For Example : 

ruby /home/simsu/.gem/ruby/1.8/gems/af- update subins

Thank you for visiting my blog. Hope it helped you. If this post helped you please signup for Subins here.
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