Posts marked with "Posts" in posts

The Francium Project

I have made lots of classes and plan to create more and more. But, all of these are just scrambled all over. Here’s what I’m talking about : new LoginSystem(); new FDM(); If you use another class named the same, then it will bring conflicts within your code. So, I decided them to group it with the namespace Fr, short for Francium – one of the least electronegative elements in the periodic table.... [READ MORE]

I’m Back

It’s been 3 months since I became less active on the blog. It is because of the S.S.L.C 10th grade exams. It’s all over now and I’m really happy to get back to my blog. In between this long period from January 2015 to March 2015, I had checked my mail sometimes and found a lot of comments asking for solutions. Since I was busy studying and all that stuff, I never had time to reply.... [READ MORE]

Coding Standards

Writing programs should be meaningful and in a long future, if you or anyone looks back at the code, then he/she must understand it. We all write codes, but do we have a standard of writing the code ? If we write codes without any standards and just go for it, then the program would be messy and no other programmer would like to read it. Here’s what I’m talking about : A guy writes code as he like :... [READ MORE]

Drupal 8 HTML5 Initiative

HTML5 is the newest HTML version and it has tons of new features. New input types, output & input (audio, video) and many more. It is now absolutely necessary for projects to move to HTML5 to enjoy new features. Drupal is also converting to HTML5 in the upcoming stable 8.0 release. Drupal has started the HTML5 Initiative to convert Drupal to HTML5. Now, this will upgrade Drupal into new heights.... [READ MORE]

Reproducing Drupal Contact Module Issue

This post contains information regarding the Drupal Core issue. This post will explain how the bug was reproduced and how the test patch was created. The bug was “Wrong message displayed after contact form mail(s) cannot be sent”. Requires Drupal 8.0 Contact Module Note that URLs mentioned in this post “" is the URL of your Drupal installation and “/mydrupalsite” is the folder location of Drupal installation. Reproducing Bug First of all we need to make a contact form page.... [READ MORE]

Into The Drupal Community

I have been using WordPress for 2 years and haven’t tried out other CMS platforms. I heard about Drupal through the internet and via my I.T textbook of my school. But never got the time to try it out. Now, I’m a participant of Google Code In, 2014 and Drupal was one of the Open Source organization in it. I tried Wikimedia last year but it was hard, because it was really big for me to work on.... [READ MORE]

Variables in Bash ": command not found"

Bash is like the very complicated language, even a space can make a syntax error. But, when you get into it often, you will get a hang of it and it will be easy. This post is a solution to one of the most common problems that happen to a newbie in Bash and it’s about a single whitespace. Here is a sample Bash file : a = 50 echo $a and when you execute it, the error will be as follows :... [READ MORE]

Append Contents to Files in Bash

In Bash, we can add contents to file easily using the > character. Like this : echo "myContents" > ~/myfile.txt What if you want to append contents to the file without overwriting ? The easiest way to do this is change the “>” to “»”. Just by making this small change, appending will be done : echo "myContents" >> ~/myfile.txt Even if the file doesn’t exist, Bash will create one with the contents given to append.... [READ MORE]

if, else, elif Conditions in Bash

All programming languages have the if & else conditions and they’re different in syntax according to each programming languages. In Bash, it’s really different and even a small space can cause syntax errors. So, you have to be careful while writing Bash code. In this post, I’ll give you many examples on how to use if and else conditions in Bash. if, else a="AC" if [ $a = "AC" ]; then echo "... [READ MORE]

Creating a File with Contents in Bash

It’s really easy to create a file in Bash with cat and > : cat "/home/simsu/file.txt" > "/home/simsu/file.txt" But, what if you want to add contents to file too ? In this case, we can use cat and echo. Here’s how we do it in echo : echo "My File, My Choice" > "/home/simsu/file.txt" But, there’s a problem with doing like this. Since there is an option to limit the characters of a Terminal command, adding large contents is not possible.... [READ MORE]



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