Posts marked with "Posts" in posts

logSys Admin

After the release of logSys in May 2014, many have been asking for an admin panel of logSys. It’s finally here. I’m extremely happy to release logSys Admin as an app of Lobby. logSys Admin Logo You can find the app here on Lobby. Installation Download & Install Lobby. Open Lobby Open **Lobby Store **and search for “logSys Admin”. Click Install button. Usage Open App from the Lobby Dashboard and click “Go To Admin” button.... [READ MORE]


[][1]Lobby Logo Lobby is a new project of mine which was under development for more than a year. I’m proud to release it today with the first version 0.2. Lobby is a localhost Operating System like Android, iOS etc. What It Is I’ll explain it to you. There are many OSs in this world. From Ubuntu to Windows to Mac to Android to iOS and so on… Developing an application is tough as you have to port it to different OSs.... [READ MORE]

What Doesn’t Work ?

I had to write this post, because I have experienced this a lot. When something doesn’t work especially with code, the asker won’t say the details. He/she just says it doesn’t work. Then it is the duty of mine to find what doesn’t work. To simplify things, when you ask please explain : Contents 1 What doesn’t work ? 2 Any Errors ? 3 Code Samples 4 Explain Clearly </div> ### What doesn&#8217;t work ?... [READ MORE]

Some Plans

It’s been a while since I have written on the blog and there are many reasons for it. I’m writing now because I’m on a vacation for 10 days because of Onam, a festival in Kerala. Reasons School Bored Life (These days, I’m feeling a repulsion) Busy I’ll explain : Since I have passed the 10th grade and is in higher secondary education, the stuff to learn increased. Even the though the subjects to learn have reduced to 6, the size of the books increased.... [READ MORE]

Set Same Time Zone in PHP & MySQL

Time Zones are important if you’re creating a social app which will include chat, social network and others which is interacted with the society. There are many time zones and you have to choose one to set in your server. I would totally recommend using UTC instead of your time zone in server. Web Server and Database server are different and they each have their own configuration. This includes the time zone too.... [READ MORE]

Implement 5 Star Rating System With PHP & JavaScript

User ratings are important for your site if you provide downloads of files or run an E-Commerce shop. It is the ratings of other users that tempt your site’s users to buy/download something. So, it is necessary for a site like this to have a Rating System. If you haven’t implemented it yet or want to replace your existing system with a clean one, you’re at the right place. I give to you, Francium Star : a new member in our Francium Project series.... [READ MORE]

Advanced Live Group Chat With WebSocket, PHP & jQuery

WebSocket is one of the awesomest part of the HTML5 and we developers should experiment with it as it will be the future of client to server communication. In a recent post, I made a tutorial of live chat with WebSockets and PHP. It was the basic step into websockets. But, I have created another chat which is more advanced that has the capability to upload images as well as record audio from microphone of the user.... [READ MORE]

Notebook Paper Design Text Editor With jQuery

Hey, all.. it’s been a while since I wrote anything on my blog. Sorry guys, but I was working on a project which will be released soon. 🙂 WYSIWYG editors are used by us all on the web and if we are going to create a site, it’s better if the editor on it is WYSIWYG. There are many text editors, but there are none with a Notebook Paper design. Well, in this post I will guide you in creating a notebook paper with CSS3 and making that paper design into a text editor.... [READ MORE]

jQuery Popping Up Text Effect

If you are creating a web app and there is conversation to the user without audio and just text, animations and effect will make the app better. In this short post, I’m introducing a simple text effect without any trouble at all. All it does is animate the text’s font size. But, the effect is like the text is popping up. Demo Here’s the code. It’s wrapped in a function and you can easily customize it :... [READ MORE]

Resuming Download In Wget, cURL & aria2c

We all download stuffs and we want it to be perfect. No lagging, just download the fastest way, right ? I don’t download via browsers these days, because it is too slow (< 5 KB/s). Google Chrome downloads are the worst. So, I download via command line now. Not all downloading is easy. Sometimes it will break up. So, we must resume it. Only some servers allow to resume downloads. But, we need client softwares that is able to resume downloads.... [READ MORE]



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