Hi. You can’t submit a form to external file using Jquery Ajax. Finally I created a Jquery Plugin to solve this problem. I named it ExtAjax. This Jquery Plugin will help you to submit a form to a external file without refreshing the page. Requirements 1) Jquery Latest Version 2) extajax.js file Here’s how the HTML file will look like: ... [READ MORE]
Posts marked with "Posts" in posts
Can’t Boot Ubuntu after installing Nvidia Driver Fix 2
A lot of people has trouble booting in to Ubuntu after installation of Nvidia Driver.Here is the second solution if first solution didn’t wok. Since you get a terminal when you boot in to Ubuntu. Login to your account in the terminal Then run the command. sudo -i and save a new Nvidia Config File by running this command. nvidia-xconfig Your new config file has been created! Reboot your computer and boot in to your Ubuntu now.... [READ MORE]
Google + going to host a hangout with Steven Spielberg and Joseph Gordon-Levitt
Steven Spielberg and Joseph Gordon-Levitt discuss about their new film LINCLON. The hangout is Tomorrow, 14 September, 04:30 GMT+05:30. Google Play presents: Steven Spielberg and Joseph Gordon-Levitt in their first ever Hangout On Air where they will be exclusively premiering the trailer for their upcoming movie, Lincoln. If you want to be one of the lucky fans to join the hangout please:-Let us know how we can contact you here http://goo.gl/ApTvq. -Upload a short video to your YouTube channel with the #lincolnhangout tag explaining who you are, why you are interested in "... [READ MORE]
Get extension of a file using PHP
This function will allow you to get a file’s extension in PHP. function getExtension($fileName){ $i = strrpos($fileName, "."); if (!$i) { return ""; } $length = strlen($str) - $i; $extens = substr($str, $i+1, $length); return $extens; } For example you need to get a extension of the file photo.jpg. To get the extension type this code in your PHP file. <span style="color: #660000;"><?php</span> <span style="color: #660000;">echo</span> getExtension<span style="color: #660000;">(</span>'<b><span style="... [READ MORE]
How to remove an item from GRUB boot menu
When you upgrade from old Ubuntu to new Ubuntu. Your GRUB menu will contain more than one Ubuntu. To remove unwanted Ubuntu from GRUB you need to edit the GRUB configuration file. Follow these steps. Backup your GRUB configuration file which is in /boot/grub/grub.cfg which we will need if something goes wrong. Open Terminal (Applications -> Accessories -> Terminal). You need to be the root. For that : sudo -i Now we want to edit the file.... [READ MORE]
How to Repair/Restore/Reinstall GRUB Using Ubuntu Live CD
GRUB is the default bootloader of Linux. It is installed on your Hard Disk, but it’s not accessible as a drive. GRUB is installed on your Hard Disk when you install a Linux Operating System. Without GRUB, you can’t boot in to OSs. Windows, Mac and other OS have their own bootloader. Linux too have different bootloaders. GRUB, BURG are examples. When you install Windows after you install Ubuntu, Windows replaces the GRUB in the Hard Disk to Windows’ boot loader which won’t identify Linux systems (Damn you Windows !... [READ MORE]
How to Stop your Blogger Blog from Redirecting to Country Domains
When you open your blog you will be redirected to the country based domain of your blog. This will affect your blog badly. For Example: The social stats – or Facebook Likes, Google +1s and Tweet counts – for your blog stories may be diluted as the URLs for the same story become different from different visitors. You will have a similar problem if you are using an external commenting platform like Disqus or Facebook Comments.... [READ MORE]
How to make a transparent background/selection on an image using GIMP
Open your image in GIMP. Select the area you want to make transparent.Select the appropriate selection tool from the Tool window or the Tools – Selection Tools menu on the Layer window. I usually use the magic wand/fuzzy select (Select contiguous region) tool or the Select regions by color tool. Click in the region you want selected. Use shift-click to add more regions/colors. Tip: It’s easier if you zoom in (View – Zoom menu) to see finer details of exactly what you’re selecting.... [READ MORE]
The Subins Project
UPDATE - 2019 There are some posts on Subins. But, I never wrote detailed about “The Subins Project”. I don’t know why. So I’m writing this for archival purposes. I lost the source code of “The Subins Project” because I accidentally formatted by whole drive back in 2013 during an installation of Windows XP (their installer is very bad !). I named it “Subins” seeing how Linux was named from its creator Linus.... [READ MORE]
Upload more than 1 MB file in PHP.
Some may have problem with uploading file more than 1 MB or 2 MB. You can fix this by editing the configuration file of PHP. To fix this follow the steps. Open Root Terminal (Applications -> System Tools -> Root Terminal). Type sudo gedit /etc/php5/apache2/php.ini and press enter key. You will get gedit application with the php.in file. Search for the words post_max_size & upload_max_filesize. If you found the words you will see a = after the word post_max_size & upload_max_filesize.... [READ MORE]