I’m legally an adult now. I have successfully revolved around the sun 18 times. Yay ! This post is dedicated to the future me who will be having nostalgic feelings reading this. Hey there, future me ! Coding Lobby was a mistake. I think I’ve wasted my 2 years in developing it. I was too ambitious. But I gained a lot of experience. This was the first time that I got into cross-compiling, virtual environments, Android development, etc.... [READ MORE]
Posts marked with "Posts" in posts
CryptoDonate, The Donation Button For CryptoCurrencies
CryptoDonate is a JavaScript (vanilla JS) library to embed a donation button for cryptocurrency. It doesn’t require any external library and is very lightweight. I created it to replace my existing BTC donation button in my blog. DemoDownload Features Supports BTC, LTC, ETH, XMR Lightweight Have an embed script Easy usage Supports theming Widget You can simply add the CryptoDonate widget to your blog or site by using this Widget Maker Tool.... [READ MORE]
How To Cache GPG Passphrase In Ubuntu
I got into Debian packaging and one of the most brutal part was to type in the GPG secret key’s password every time I sign a package. I wasted a lot of time typing my long password. I searched a lot to cache my password for some time after I type it once. All of them said to edit gpg-agent.conf, but none of them worked for my fresh installation of Xubuntu 16.... [READ MORE]
17 Years Of Revolving Around The Sun
Sweet 17 ! The age in between an adult and juvenile. I’m going to take a relook at my 16th year. Coding Lobby 1.0 was released. That was a trough one. Francium logSys 0.7 was released Updates to Francium voice Release of Francium Diffsocket & Francium Star Many more contributions to FOSS I could have done more if there was less school. I also got into Android programming and released my first app Lobby.... [READ MORE]
Google Code In 2016
Google Code In is a contest run by Google for teenagers (13-17) to promote contributing to open source projects. It is like Google Summer Of Code, but for teenagers who are not in colleges. This is my 4th time in Code In and it was fantastic just like before. Here’s a summary : 2013 – Wikimedia 2014 – Drupal 2015 – Ubuntu 2016 – Wikimedia This year (2016), I chose Wikimedia again !... [READ MORE]
Draw Animated Christmas Tree In Bash
It’s Christmas again and you’ll be receiving all kinds of greetings. How about greeting them back with a fancy way ? Show off your nerdiness with this super cool Christmas Tree in Bash. All you need is a bash shell. Most systems have bash shell by default, so you don’t have to install anything for this ! All thanks goes to the Argentian programmer Sergio Lepore for this cool script.... [READ MORE]
An Interview With GNUKhata Developer Krishnakant Mane
This is my first interview with a person. I don’t do interviews normally. But when I read about Krishnakant Mane I wanted to know more about him. So I contacted him by email and got the response within an hour. The guy is really hooked up with computers ! Krishnakant Mane is blind, but that didn’t stop him from coding. He created and maintains the GNUKhata project, a free and open source accounting software.... [READ MORE]
My Interview With Paysa
Paysa is the world’s first platform to empower individuals to maximize their salary across the span of their career. I have taken a look at Paysa and it’s wonderful to know that you can get self-evaluated about your career and salary. I didn’t know there was one. It also gives you guidance to follow the career path of your choice. An excellent service indeed ! I’m very happy that such a company like Paysa has interviewed me.... [READ MORE]
Make Headers Jump Links In WordPress Posts
You might have noticed that the , headers in my blog posts are links that can be used to jump to that section. These links are called Jump Links. These Jump Links can be sent anywhere on web for reading that particular section. This is very useful for tutorials as when someone comments a problem, we can use the link to redirect that user to the section where the solution is situated.... [READ MORE]
Create A Profile Picture Framer Web App
You might have seen your Facebook friends’ fancy profile pictures with the frame of the sports team they support. These days for any major events, the best way to support them is by adding a frame to your profile picture with their logo. Football (soccer) is my favorite sport. My state Kerala have a franchise club in the Indian Super League called Kerala Blasters. We are the largest club by average crowd attendance and the fans are so passionate.... [READ MORE]