Posts marked with "CSS" in categories

Position AddThis Recommended Content Section With jQuery

AddThis smart layer have a recommended content feature that adds a recommended content box to your page. This box is by default will be placed at the end of the page. A normal user won’t notice this. To make the recommended content noticeable, you have to move it to someplace else. But, AddThis doesn’t support the positioning of the recommended content. So, the only way to move the recommended content box is to find a hack.... [READ MORE]

Create A Trending Box In PHP With MySQL & HTML

Trending boxes can be seen is social networks. Facebook, Twitter, Google + have it. Why not create one of your own. You can create your own using HTML and add styling by CSS. We will use PHP for updating most searched queries in MySQL database. Demo How the trending box looks like : Trending Box We need a table for storing the search queries. For this we are going to create a table named “trends”.... [READ MORE]

Add Pagination To MySQL Database Result In PHP

Pagination makes the results tidy and simple. When there are many results, pagination helps sorting them out and adding each results to specific pages. In PHP, it’s real simple. You can use this tutorial to add a pagination to your database results in PHP. Demo We will be using PDO for database connection and queries. The Database table named “users” is like this : id <td> First_Name </td> <td> Last_Name </td> 1 <td> Subin </td> <td> Siby </td> 2 <td> Peter </td> <td> Charles </td> 3 <td> Thomas </td> <td> Chacko </td> It contains more and more data.... [READ MORE]

Make Better WordPress Minify Work On OpenShift

If you run a WordPress blog on OpenShift, you might not be able to run the Minify plugins. These plugins won’t work if your OpenShift app is directly installed from the WordPress catridge they provide. This happens because the plugins, themes and other directories of wp-content are linked directories which means they’re fake. The folders are just shortcuts of the original folder situated in app-root/data. This makes the minify plugin hard to find the source of the file.... [READ MORE]

Implementing Login With Facebook In PHP

In the last post, I introduced you to a PHP OAuth Class named OAuth API. In this post I’m going to tell you how to implement Login With Facebook feature in PHP using the class I introduced. It’s very simple. I will tell the ways of implementing step by step. This tutorial includes placing a Login with Facebook button on web site to authorization and finishes when we get user details.... [READ MORE]

How To Add A Simple Birthday Field In A Form Using jQuery

There are certain laws on the Web. One of them is the COPPA law which clarifies the minimum age of a user to signup for a site. The minimum age is 13. If any site allows users under 13 to signup, it is considered illegal. So it’s necessary to add a birthday field in site’s Sign-Up form. So I’m going to tell you how to add a simple, stylish birthday field to your Sign-Up form.... [READ MORE]

How To Create A Simple Password Strength Checker In jQuery

A lot of new hacking methods are coming day by day. So it’s the programmers duty to make their user’s password secure. Here is a simple Password Strength Checker created using jQuery. The code contain a function got from WordPress (I modified it) which is the core component of the checker. This checker will check the following on the password : Have minimum value of 4 characters. Whether the username matches with password Whether the password contain small a-z characters and capital A-Z characters.... [READ MORE]

Create Simple Username Availability Checker Using jQuery & PHP

Many sites have signup pages. Every programmers try to make the signup pages attractive by adding stylish input CSS codes and others. Why not add a stylish username availability checker ? It’s very easy to add and will work on jQuery versions 1.2 and up. I’m also going to tell you how to check if username is available in the server side. Of course it’s PHP. The checking is SQL Injection free too.... [READ MORE]

Setting Iframe height to its content height using Javascript

While loading an iframe on page the most difficult thing is to set it’s height to the height of the content of the iframe. I looked around the web and got the code. This is pure Javascript, doesn’t contain jQuery or any other libraries. Set these functions : function getDocHeight(doc) {     doc = doc || document;     var body = doc.body, html = doc.documentElement;     var height = Math.... [READ MORE]

Create MySQL Injection free Secure Login System in PHP

There were a lot of people who created tutorials to create a PHP Login System. But they were all vulnerable to MySQL Injection. In this post I’m going to demonstrate a login system free of this vulnerability. It is very secure. There are mysqli and PDO in PHP to escape these injections. We are going to use **PDO ( PHP Data Object **). Download Demo UPDATE – logSys There is a new, free, better Advanced Login System which you can check out here.... [READ MORE]



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