Why Adsense account got disapproved of Referral SPAM ?
What should I do If I got disapproved of Referral SPAM ?
Contact E-Mail address ?
<p> [email protected] </p>
Have you ever purchased traffic to your site(s) ?
<p> No </p>
How do users get to your site? How do you promote your site?
<p> Users get to my site mostly from <b>Google Search</b>. I promote my site using <b>Google</b> Adwords, Chatting (Facebook, Google+ etc….) </p>
Have you or your site ever violated the AdSense program policies or Terms & Conditions? If so, how? Also, include any relevant information that you believe may have resulted in invalid activity. *
No. There are SPAM url’s on my traffic sources. Adsense may have disapproved because of the invalid visits from these SPAM sites.
Please include any data from your site traffic logs or reports that indicate suspicious IP addresses, referrers, or requests which could explain invalid activity. *