A lot of new hacking methods are coming day by day. So it’s the programmers duty to make their user’s password secure. Here is a simple Password Strength Checker created using jQuery. The code contain a function got from WordPress (I modified it) which is the core component of the checker. This checker will check the following on the password : Have minimum value of 4 characters. Whether the username matches with password Whether the password contain small a-z characters and capital A-Z characters.... [READ MORE]
Posts marked with "Passwords" in tags
Password Protect folder in AppFog
You won’t know the location of the .htpasswd file in AppFog. Hence you won’t be able to password protect folders in the normal way. To password protect folders in AppFog you should use a different way. You should add the following location of .htpasswd instead of the full location. If the full location is : /home/simsu/projects/TestPalace/Blog/Password_Protect/.htpasswd The Location of .htpasswd in .htaccess deployed in AppFog should be : ../app/Blog/Password_Protect/.htpasswd If the file is on the root directory, then the location would be : .... [READ MORE]
Password protect folder using HTACCESS
HTACCESS is able to protect folders with passwords. To password protect folders you should mention the location of .htpasswd – a file that contains the username and password to unlock the folder. First of all create a .htaccess file if doesn’t exists and create a .htpasswd file. Now Add username and password to the .htpasswd file which you can get from this simple tool. Add the following text in .htaccess : AuthName "This folder requires a login"... [READ MORE]
How to remove keyring password dialog in All Ubuntu versions
You will be getting a keyring unlocker dialog to type your password to unlock the keyrings such as: Password you stored in Web Browsers (Google Chrome, Chromium) Passwords stored in Chat and Mail Applications (Empathy, Pidgin, Evolution) and other passwords This passwords should be unlocked each time you login but won’t automatically unlock when you login. To automatically unlock you can do as follows: Open Terminal (CTRL + ALT + T) and do the following command: seahorse You will get the Passwords & Encryption Keys window : Right click on the folder Password: default and choose Change Password : Type the old password you used to unlock the keyring and leave the other two fields empty and click on OK button.... [READ MORE]