Posts marked with "ID" in tags

Creating a Contact Me page for Blogger Blog

Blogger has added a new widget in their widget page. This widget is a Contact Me widget which allows blog visitors to contact you. This can be added in your blog sidebar or footer. In this tutorial I will tell you to how to add this to a blog page. Create a blank page from Blogger -> Pages -> New Page -> Blank Page Toggle to tab HTML and paste these code in the HTML textarea : Name... [READ MORE]

How to find Blogger Blog ID

You may need your blogger blog id for various needs. Here’s a simple tutorial on how to find the blog id. Go to your blog dashboard on Blogger. See the url of the page in the location bar. In the page url you can see a text blogID= followed by a number until it stops with #. Here’s a sample url : The wheat color background text in the above url is the blog id of that blog.... [READ MORE]



Mastodon  Twitter

GitHub GitLab


Demos  Lab


This blog was once on WordPress. Now a static site. See source code on
