Posts marked with "Posts" in posts

Jquery ExtAjax Plugin V 1.2: Submit forms to external files with preview using Jquery

If you don’t know what this plugin will do then visit the page of the previous version here. The last version of Jquery ExtAjax plugin didn’t have preview feature. But in this version it have a preview feature. The latest version is V 1.2 What’s New in this version Faster Preview feature.  What should I do after downloading. <div> <span style="color: #333333;"><span style="line-height: 16px;">After downloading upload "<b>extajax.js</b>", "<b>asdva.php</b>" to your server.... [READ MORE]

Storing JSON object in HTML5 Local Storage : Stringify

This tutorial will help you to store JSON Object in LocalStorage. This method uses a function called stringify. Suppose we have a JSON object like this : var data = {name:’subin’,class:’8A’}; If we want to store this JSON object in Local Storage then use the function below: localStorage[‘info‘]=JSON.stringify(data); That’s it. JSON Object is now stored in your Local Storage. ... [READ MORE]

Subins Games : A new Game site from Subins

This is my 5th project. The Subins Games. This site is for playing games.  Functions Commenting Score saving Play History Add your game Game stats  (And adding new ones!) Like all the other projects this project has used Javascript Library Jquery and the server side language is PHP. This site’s games is the combination of old PFOGB and G2E. The main problem I faced was the merging of two blogs to one. It was very difficult to merge manually.... [READ MORE]

The best method to find client’s IP Address in PHP.

This simple function will help you to find the client’s IP. You could use $_SERVER[‘REMOTE_ADDR’] , but this method will not returns the actual IP address. To get the real IP address use this method. function getUserIpAddr(){     if (!empty($_SERVER[‘HTTP_CLIENT_IP’])){         return $_SERVER[‘HTTP_CLIENT_IP’];     }else if (!empty($_SERVER[‘HTTP_X_FORWARDED_FOR’])){         $ite=explode(‘,’,$_SERVER[‘HTTP_X_FORWARDED_FOR’]); return str_replace(" ",",$ite[0]);     }else{         return $_SERVER[‘REMOTE_ADDR’];     }... [READ MORE]

How to view or Download Google Drive files on your site

Many of you wanted to show images, videos etc… on your site which is uploaded on your Google Drive. The link of the file will not be the same at all times due to security reasons.  So Google provides another method to show or download a file. For this method you need to get the file id. For that open your file.  Look at the url box of your browser.... [READ MORE]

Finding Client’s IP address, Country, State, City using api in PHP

If you want to get client’s IP address you will use $_SERVER[‘REMOTE_ADDR’] function in PHP. But you will not get the real IP address of the client. To get the real IP address You can use the method I used. Also With this method you can also find the City, State, Country client’s in. The code is pretty simple. With the help of it was pretty easy. $response=@file_get_contents(‘’);if (empty($response)){throw new InvalidArgumentException("Error contacting Geo-IP-Server"... [READ MORE]

Vishnu – I will never forget you.

He was a closest friend of mine. He always told other people about me. He was so so nice to me. I am very sad. I don’t know what to say. Just Sad. Very Sad. I saw his face and it melted my heart. He may have died But he will always be in my heart.Vishnu Vijayan You will always be in my heart forever. I will not forget you.... [READ MORE]

Make Snowfall on your site/blog using Javascript

It’s Christmas. It’s time for snowing. Want to have a snowfall on your site just like in my blog. Here’s the Java script for snowing. Note – This code is for websites. Code for blogger is below this code <blockquote class="tr_bq"> <p> <script><br />&nbsp; //Configure below to change URL path to the snow image<br />&nbsp; var snowsrc=""<br />&nbsp; // Configure below to change number of snow to render<br />&nbsp; var no = 20;<br />&nbsp; // Configure whether snow should disappear after x seconds (0=never):<br />&nbsp; var hidesnowtime = 0;<br />&nbsp; // Configure how much snow should drop down before fading ("windowheight" or "pageheight")<br />&nbsp; var snowdistance = "pageheight";<br />///////////Stop Config//////////////////////////////////<br />&nbsp; var ie4up = (document.... [READ MORE]

FriendsHood – A new Social Network from Subins

Friendshood is vulnerable to MySQL Injection and shouldn’t be used anymore. Please see my latest project : Original Post : Many of you now know the project I’ve been working on. In that project I have created a social Network called FriendsHood. I created this social network because my friends have been telling me to create a social network. They told me because School said to block Facebook and no student should use Facebook.... [READ MORE]



Mastodon  Twitter

GitHub GitLab


Demos  Lab


This blog was once on WordPress. Now a static site. See source code on
