Posts marked with "Posts" in posts

How To Integrate Disqus Into Blogger Dynamic Views

Disqus works in normal Blogger template but won’t work in Dynamic Views because it don’t support HTML/Javascript widget. But you can edit the contents in head tag of Template and I found a way to integrate the Disqus commenting system in to Blogger. I’m gonna show you how to do that. DEMO Works On Sidebar Classic Flipcard Magazine Mosaic Snapshot Timeslide Disadvantages On Classic Templates Disqus will only be available for the first post, because they won’t allow you to put more than 1 Disqus Comment box on a page... [READ MORE]

Check whether a site is XSS vulnerable or not.

XSS is a method to hack sites which most of the newbie programmers don’t know. Here is a quick way to identify if a site is vulnerable to it. Go to a site which offers searching or other GET parameters which are outputted in the site’s page. Instead of the value in one of the GET parameter use the following value : XSS Vulnerability checker by Subin Siby For example a site with the GET parameter query with value subins and the url will be : http://subins.... [READ MORE]

Why you should switch to Linux from Windows 8

Definition of Windows : An Operating System that helps Microsoft Corporation increase their income and helps you to empty your wallet. Definition of Linux : An Operating System that helps users in a great manner and not for the profit of the company. Here is why you should switch to Linux from Windows ... [READ MORE]

Is embedding video from YouTube an Adsense violation ?

Many embed YouTube video in to their blogs. This is a adsense violation if the video has: Copyright content Owner is not you Video is Copyrighted and no one is allowed to put it on a site The reasons above may be a reason why your Adsense application was rejected. Please THINK BEFORE YOU ACT while writing each blog posts. You should make sure that the post you are about to write isn’t a copied content or doesn’t contain a copyrighted material such as images, videos etc……... [READ MORE]

How to show Disqus comment count in Blogger

Many of sites have switched to Disqus comment system. It’s fast, easy and simple to use. Many wanted to show the comment count on their homepages. For showing the comment count on your **Blogger Blog **you can just do a simple trick. Go to Blogger -> Template -> Edit HTML. Place this Javascript code above . <script type="text/javascript"> /* * * CONFIGURATION VARIABLES: EDIT BEFORE PASTING INTO YOUR WEBPAGE * * */ var disqus_shortname = '<span style="... [READ MORE]

Creating a Contact Me page for Blogger Blog

Blogger has added a new widget in their widget page. This widget is a Contact Me widget which allows blog visitors to contact you. This can be added in your blog sidebar or footer. In this tutorial I will tell you to how to add this to a blog page. Create a blank page from Blogger -> Pages -> New Page -> Blank Page Toggle to tab HTML and paste these code in the HTML textarea : Name... [READ MORE]

How to find Blogger Blog ID

You may need your blogger blog id for various needs. Here’s a simple tutorial on how to find the blog id. Go to your blog dashboard on Blogger. See the url of the page in the location bar. In the page url you can see a text blogID= followed by a number until it stops with #. Here’s a sample url : The wheat color background text in the above url is the blog id of that blog.... [READ MORE]

How to remove keyring password dialog in All Ubuntu versions

You will be getting a keyring unlocker dialog to type your password to unlock the keyrings such as: Password you stored in Web Browsers (Google Chrome, Chromium) Passwords stored in Chat and Mail Applications (Empathy, Pidgin, Evolution) and other passwords This passwords should be unlocked each time you login but won’t automatically unlock when you login. To automatically unlock you can do as follows: Open Terminal (CTRL + ALT + T) and do the following command: seahorse You will get the Passwords & Encryption Keys window : Right click on the folder Password: default and choose Change Password : Type the old password you used to unlock the keyring and leave the other two fields empty and click on OK button.... [READ MORE]



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