In PHP you can generate random number by using rand function, but there is no specific function to generate a random text or string. In this post I’m going to show the function that will generate a random string of length mentioned. Here is the function: function rand_string($length) { $str=""; $chars = "subinsblogabcdefghijklmanopqrstuvwxyzABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ0123456789"; $size = strlen($chars); for($i = 0;$i < $length;$i++) { $str .= $chars[rand(0,$size-1)]; } return $str; } Usage To generate a random string use rand_string() function with the parameter of length of the to be generated string.... [READ MORE]
Posts marked with "Posts" in posts
Installing Wine 1.6 on Ubuntu 10.04
Wine 1.6 is not latest version for Ubuntu 10.04, but you can install it by compiling the source code and it works perfectly. See demo here. To install Wine 1.6 follow the instructions. Optional : Wine Team recommend you to uninstall previous Wine versions when installing a compiled version. But its optional. If the Wine 1.6 fails you can uninstall 1.6 and use the old version. Steps : Download the Wine 1.6 Source Code from here. Extract the wine- 1.... [READ MORE]
Javascript code Compressor Tool
If long long Javascript codes are compressed, it will make the page load faster. In this post I’m going to suggest a perfect tool for compressing Javascript code. The tool is JsCompress. Go to to see the compressor in action. You have three options: Paste Code and Compress Compress code in files Compress Multiple files into one. It’s a great tool and it will help you reduce the file size up to 100 KB.... [READ MORE]
Preventing double encode of URL in PHP
There is no practical way to check whether an URL is encoded or not to encode if it’s not encoded. But you can do encode the URL by first decoding like below: $string = url_decode($url); And then you should encode as to prevent double encoding. $string = url_encode($url); By doing this we can prevent double encoding of URL‘s.... [READ MORE]
NFS Most Wanted running on Wine 1.6
These are the screenshots of Need For Speed Most Wanted running in Wine 1.6 on Ubuntu 10.04.... [READ MORE]
Wine 1.6 is released with 10,000 changes
After 16 months of development, Wine version 1.6 has been officially released by the Wine Team. Wine is the Windows Program emulator for Linux and Mac. You can download the source files from here. You can only get the source files now. Binary packages are in the process of being built. If it’s been build you can download the Wine 1.6 version from here. What’s New ? New User Interface Networking capabilities Support for Windows Transparency Graphics improved JoyStick Installing Mono package for .... [READ MORE]
Encode/Decode URL in Javascript and PHP
URL encoding and decoding can be done in both Javascript and PHP. In this post I’m going to tell you the functions used in both languages for url encoding/decoding. Javascript Encoding encodeURIComponent(url); Decoding decodeURIComponent(url); PHP Encoding urlencode(url); Decoding urldecode(url); There is an encodeURI and decodeURI function in Javascript but it won’t encode/decode the url. Note that the the word used in Javascript is URI not URL. But in PHP both are URL.... [READ MORE]
Fix: Dynamic Views failed to load properly
Well, this problem is pretty annoying to everyone who is using Dynamic Views, even to me. It’s a Blogger fault as always and there has not been a solution to the problem since it started on the Dynamic Views launch. Päivi & Santeri of Global Nomads founded a solution to this problem. Oh! I didn’t said the problem was. The problem is that the whole Blog will fail to load completely/properly. Some of the problems happen when the blog won’t properly load are listed below:... [READ MORE]
Vertically center align an element using CSS
Vertical alignment is difficult to find a solution. But I will tell you a simple way to align a div vertically center. The CSS property you’re going to use for this purpose is vertical-align. Here is the code of a div aligned vertically. #adiv{ display:inline-block; vertical-align:middle; } This only works for div with the display property inline-block and some others which I don’t know. But it’s better to use inline-block.... [READ MORE]
Check whether request is made from Ajax – PHP
To check whether a request has been made is from Ajax or not you can use $_SERVER[‘HTTP_X_REQUESTED_WITH’]. See the following example: There you go. You now know how to check whether request made to file is from an Ajax Call or not in PHP.... [READ MORE]