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GoDaddy WorldWide 99 cents for new or transfer domain of .COM

Here is the ultimate coupon code you were waiting for : 99 Cents for .COM buying or transferring domain worldwide. This offer is applicable to every country. Here are the conditions for this coupon : Plus ICANN fee of $0.18 per domain name per year. $0.99 price for the first year for one new or transfer .COM purchases only; not valid for renewals. Additional years or .COMs may be purchased for $9.... [READ MORE]

Loading A Window Created Using GLADE in Python

If you have created a window using Glade and want to display this window on your Python program containing the event handlers of the Window, then you should follow this tutorial. This small code will load the Glade file and displays the window. Note : The Glade Project file format should be GtkBuilder. Now, let’s get down to the code. Create a Python file named in the folder containing the glade file and put in the following contents :... [READ MORE]

GoDaddy .COM domain for just 0.99$ Worldwide

Want to buy a .COM domain for just 0.99 US Dollars ? This coupon is valid for everyone in the world. Here is a table of price of .COM domain using this coupon : Indian Rupee                : 65 Australian Dollar          : 1.07 British Pound Sterling  : 0.62 Chinese Yuan               : 6.06 Kuwaiti Dinar               : 0.... [READ MORE]

Add Floating Like Box to Blogger Blog

Every Success Blog was popularized with the social integration such as Like Box, Share Box, Commenting and others. The social sharing widget will help other users to reach your blog. So, In this tutorial I’m going to tell you how to add a Floating Like Box. I made the like box floating, because wherever the user goes the like box will also go with him. Hence the user will notice the like box all the time and he will click sometime during his visit.... [READ MORE]

Automatically Redirect A Blogger Blog To Another URL

You can redirect your blog to another URL. This redirection can be done using JavaScript or by adding a special meta tag. This redirection is useful when you want to redirect your old blog users to your new blog. The function we use in JavaScript is window.location and the meta tag has http-equiv attribute. DEMO So Let’s begin. Go to Blogger -> Blog to be redirected -> Template -> Edit HTML. You will get a box with a lot of text.... [READ MORE]

Send Email using GMail SMTP server in PHP

This tutorial was suggested by SWDS. To send an e-mail using GMail’s SMTP server, you need extra help. Download the latest version of Swift Mailer Package from here. This mailing class is simple, that’s why I recommend you to use Swift Mailer. If you have enabled application specific password feature on Google Accounts, you may have to generate a new application password and use that password for SMTP authentication. Otherwise the example won’t be able to login to your google account.... [READ MORE]

Setting up Google DNS in Ubuntu

Google‘s DNS service is spreading rapidly. It’s time for you to use it. I used it and noticed some great speed changes even though my internet is just a dial up connection. Here is how to set up Google‘s DNS on your Ubuntu Linux. Open Network Settings (network-admin) by going to System -> Preferences -> Network Connections. Go to your default net connection and click on Edit button. You will get a window like below : Change the Method option to Automatic (PPP) addresses only.... [READ MORE]

Execute Command Without Waiting For It To Finish

If you just execute a terminal command using exec or system in PHP, the page will only load completely until the command has been finished. If you are running commands to run a websocket server, the page will not load, because the start server command won’t terminate. So to avoid this problem you should just do a simple trick, Just add > /dev/null & after the command you’re running.... [READ MORE]

Upload Image To Remote Server With PHP cURL & Handle File in Remote Server

If you want to upload images to an external server which is uploaded to your site by a client, you are at the right tutorial. For this submission we will use 2 files : form.php – The Page Where we will show the client the form. This file also sends the uploaded data to the external server. handle.php – The Page on the external server which receives the uploaded data from form.... [READ MORE]

Password Protect folder in AppFog

You won’t know the location of the .htpasswd file in AppFog. Hence you won’t be able to password protect folders in the normal way. To password protect folders in AppFog you should use a different way. You should add the following location of .htpasswd instead of the full location. If the full location is : /home/simsu/projects/TestPalace/Blog/Password_Protect/.htpasswd The Location of .htpasswd in .htaccess deployed in AppFog should be : ../app/Blog/Password_Protect/.htpasswd If the file is on the root directory, then the location would be : .... [READ MORE]



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