Posts marked with "Posts" in posts

Move Cursor To End Of Input Or Textarea In jQuery

The function that moves the cursor of an input element to the end in jQuery is .focus(). But sometimes, this won’t work even if you replace it with [0].click(). It’ll maybe work on input fields properly, but won’t properly at all in text areas. Mostly it won’t work, if you are calling the .focus() function inside an event listener function. To solve this you can use 2 other methods if the first one don’t work.... [READ MORE]

Blog’s 3rd Anniversary

Today, January 30 marks the 3rd anniversary of this blog. Thanks to everyone who have supported me and this blog. With out your help, I couldn’t have run this blog for 3 years. Here are the 5 popular posts of the last 3 years : HOW TO ADD A HEADER IMAGE TO BLOGGER DYNAMIC VIEWS HOW TO REPAIR/RESTORE/REINSTALL GRUB 2 USING A UBUNTU LIVE CD HOW TO ADD A FIXED HEADER TO BLOGGER BLOG... [READ MORE]

Send E-Mails Via SMTP Server In PHP – GMail & Outlook

Email Service providers have POP and SMTP servers for incoming and outgoing E-Mails. SMTP is for Outgoing (Sending) emails and POP is for Incoming (Receiving) emails. If you have an account in email services, it means that you can send or receive emails using these servers. This service is free, fast and secure. You can change the “From” address and the “From” name if you send emails using SMTP server. In this post I will tell you how to send emails using SMTP servers of GMail & Outlook in PHP.... [READ MORE]

Set Up Free Outlook E-Mail Accounts on a Custom Domain

A custom email account on your own domain is useful for various purposes. By getting an own domain email name makes you not to disclose your personal mail and use the work email for disclosing. Email account on a custom domain is costly these days. Google Apps increased the price of their plan, which makes it impossible for custom email addresses. But, Microsoft Outlook is giving it away for free !... [READ MORE]

Add Pagination To MySQL Database Result In PHP

Pagination makes the results tidy and simple. When there are many results, pagination helps sorting them out and adding each results to specific pages. In PHP, it’s real simple. You can use this tutorial to add a pagination to your database results in PHP. Demo We will be using PDO for database connection and queries. The Database table named “users” is like this : id <td> First_Name </td> <td> Last_Name </td> 1 <td> Subin </td> <td> Siby </td> 2 <td> Peter </td> <td> Charles </td> 3 <td> Thomas </td> <td> Chacko </td> It contains more and more data.... [READ MORE]

Blog Changes For My 14th Birthday

My birthday is here. So long to the age 13. I will turn 14 in 3 hours from the published time of this post. My blog has been changed as like my age. This blog will turn 3 years on January 30. A lot of changes happened to this blog since the launch. I still have the memory of the moment when I created this blog with my brother and the help of my neighbor Simraj.... [READ MORE]

Make Better WordPress Minify Work On OpenShift

If you run a WordPress blog on OpenShift, you might not be able to run the Minify plugins. These plugins won’t work if your OpenShift app is directly installed from the WordPress catridge they provide. This happens because the plugins, themes and other directories of wp-content are linked directories which means they’re fake. The folders are just shortcuts of the original folder situated in app-root/data. This makes the minify plugin hard to find the source of the file.... [READ MORE]

Making Text To Speech In PHP With Google Translate

Google provides text to speech feature on their translator product which is an awesome feature. If you are creating a web app of your own and need a human speaking voice for your app, you will get lost. Google have a URL for creating these audio files when given a text. I will tell you how to implement this text to speech feature on your PHP site without directly compromising the Google URL.... [READ MORE]

Create Group Chat In PHP With MySQL, jQuery And AJAX

Chatting is one of the most implemented feature on websites. Group chat makes users to share their feelings and other news easily to their friends easily. AJAX makes this chatting more beautiful, elegant, simple and comfortable. Group chats may be vulnerable to SQL injections and XSS attacks. But in this post where we’re going to make a group chat that doesn’t have these vulnerabilities which makes it more awesome. You can see a demo, or you can download the files directly.... [READ MORE]

Simplest Way To Detect A Mobile Device In PHP

Mobile users are increasing. Most of the site visitors of a website is using mobiles to browse. So you need to redirect users who uses mobile to a mobile page of your site. In Javascript it is easy, because you can check the width and height of the window. But on server side, it can become difficult. You will find is_mobile() function in this post which detects if the client is in mobile or not.... [READ MORE]



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