Blogger Templates can be very messed up with lots and lots of code. If you are trying to create a Blogger Template from scratch, the first thing you need is a blank HTML page. That’s exactly what we are going to do today. Demo Blogger Simple Template To Blank Page Criterias Blogger won’t allow you to just add the following code as template : <html> <head> <title>My Awesome Blank Blog</title> </head> <body> </body> </html> They will print out errors if you try to save the template.... [READ MORE]
Posts marked with "Posts" in posts
Disable Blogger Official CSS From Loading In Template
Blogger adds their CSS styles to every templates. These files’ load time will make your site slow. So for a better user experience, Blogger CSS files should be removed. But there isn’t any Settings page for this. Blogger automatically add it’s style sheets. But you can disable the loading with a simple hack. Blogger Style Sheets The Blogger CSS files are these : When Blogger updates, the above URL’s will also change.... [READ MORE]
How To Add Disqus Recent Comments Widget
In the last post, I told the way to implement Disqus Combination widget to your web site which have recent comments, popular threads and commented users, all in one. But, if you only need one of it, why load all 3 of them. So, if you only want the Recent Comments widget, you will find this post useful. Screenshot Disqus Recent Comments Widget You can also see a demo on JsFiddle.... [READ MORE]
How To Add Disqus Combination Widget With Customization
Disqus is one of the most used commenting systems in websites. It’s easy, fast and customizable. Disqus also support real time comments. Like any other commenting systems, Disqus provides various widgets for showcasing comments, discussions and commenters. They also have a widget that combines all these together. It is very easy to install this “combination” widget. Disqus Combination Widget You can include this code in Blogger’s HTML Widget or in WordPress’ Text Widget :... [READ MORE]
Create Global Functions In JavaScript
Normally, a function defined would not be accessible to all places of a page. Say a function is mentioned using “function checkCookie()” on a external file loaded first on a page. This function cannot be called by the JavaScript file loaded last. So you have to make it a Global function that can be called from anywhere on a page. The “window” is a Global Object that has a lot of functions.... [READ MORE]
Position AddThis Recommended Content Section With jQuery
AddThis smart layer have a recommended content feature that adds a recommended content box to your page. This box is by default will be placed at the end of the page. A normal user won’t notice this. To make the recommended content noticeable, you have to move it to someplace else. But, AddThis doesn’t support the positioning of the recommended content. So, the only way to move the recommended content box is to find a hack.... [READ MORE]
Move Blog From Blogger To WordPress With Posts Redirection
If you are fed up with Blogger and wants to move to WordPress, you took a right decision. When migrating, you have to make sure that the posts on your Blogger blog should redirect to the post on the new domain. This might get tricky. If it get tricky, you will lose your visitors. You can find the step by step instructions to properly migrate a Blogger Blog To WordPress with a method to redirect old blog posts to your new blog posts.... [READ MORE]
Load Data While Scrolling Down With jQuery & PHP
If your site have a lot of data to display on a page, it will make the page laggy. With this tutorial, you can limit the data on the main page and load new data when user reach the bottom of the page. This makes it easy to show huge data in a single page. Before user reaches the end of page. After user reaches the end of page. Demo jQuery will trigger a POST request when user reaches the end of the page.... [READ MORE]
Create A Trending Box In PHP With MySQL & HTML
Trending boxes can be seen is social networks. Facebook, Twitter, Google + have it. Why not create one of your own. You can create your own using HTML and add styling by CSS. We will use PHP for updating most searched queries in MySQL database. Demo How the trending box looks like : Trending Box We need a table for storing the search queries. For this we are going to create a table named “trends”.... [READ MORE]
Add Invite Facebook Friends Feature In A Website
Please read this before continuing : Looks like Facebook is making restrictions into this. Note that, this tutorial is not officially supported by Facebook. You can say this is a trick or a hack. So, no guarantee whether this will work now or in the future. This worked before, but it has been noted that Facebook is restricting this “hack”. There is an Invite feature for Facebook apps. Inviting feature helps your site’s users to invite their friends to your site.... [READ MORE]