Posts marked with "Posts" in posts

MySQL NOW() in JavaScript (UTC & Local)

If you know MySQL, you will certainly know the NOW() function that outputs the current date and time with the timezone of the MySQL server. For easy use and compatibility, we use UTC time zone for storing time in database. If you are running a web app that comply with MySQL, then you need the date function as same as the NOW(). So, I will give you a small function that return the same value as MySQL’s NOW() function in both UTC and local time.... [READ MORE]

In My Name is Linux

As you know already, my full name is Subin Siby. What’s special about my name is that it’s connected to Linux. As you may have seen, executable files on a Linux system is in the directory /usr/bin, /usr/sbin and /sbin. If you look at it closely, you can see that sbin only misses the character u from my name. If you add “u” to the name, it’ll become /usr/subin. Creepy & Fun, right ?... [READ MORE]

Group Chat In PHP With Users’ Typing Status

I wrote a post on creating Group Chat in PHP. A comment was posted by Ravi asking if it was possible to include user’s typing status. It was a fascinating and a good idea to add user’s typing status. So, I worked on the code and knew it was possible. I’m going to tell you how to implement the display of users’ typing status on the Group Chat I created earlier.... [READ MORE]

Native JavaScript Equivalents of jQuery

If you want to do some little task on your website, you don’t need jQuery. But if you only did work with jQuery, you won’t know the JavaScript functions that do the same thing. I have ran in to this problem and found the real JavaScript functions in replacement of jQuery functions. I’m going to share it with you. This post will continue to expand when jQuery adds new functions.... [READ MORE]

New Theme : Light, Simple & Fast

As you can see, I changed the theme of this blog with a new theme. If you have visited, you can see there are similarities to it’s theme and mine. I really liked Chris Coyer’s theme and I contacted him to lend me the theme. But, no response. So, I decided that I should create my own theme. By WordPress Support forum, I found _s site. Underscores provide a starter theme for WordPress.... [READ MORE]

‘return false’ vs ‘e.preventDefault()’ In jQuery

I decided to add some improvements to Open and fix some bugs. While I was adding two submit listeners on a form, it didn’t work. I have tried everything but still the problem came up. So, I removed return false; and used e.preventDefault();. It worked ! So, why didn’t the submit listener called on the element ? The problem was return false will do **e.stopPropagation() **and e.preventDefault(). If e.stopPropagation() is ran, then any other submit event handlers of the element won’t call.... [READ MORE]

GOD Is Open Source

This is just my opinion. Say what you think about this using the comments. There are many many religions in the world and we are all part of a religion (or not). But, whatever the religion we are in, we all have a single GOD. A GOD who created atoms to the biggest mammal in Earth. All religions are just a path to GOD. Every religion points to GOD and whatever religion we choose, we all reach a single place.... [READ MORE]

Download Zip Files Dynamically in PHP

Zip file downloading is used by websites. The most important and popular of them is WordPress. They use Zip files for downloading plugins, themes and even their versions. They do it ofcourse, dynamically. You just provide the location of the file and PHP will download it to the user for you. Actually HTTP headers have the main role in the downloading. Demo We make the headers using header function in PHP and the browser will take care of the rest.... [READ MORE]

Google Hangouts Is Down

Again, one of Google’s service is down. This time it’s Google Hangouts also known before ad Google Talk. Google Sheets are down too. The downtime of these services started from 17 March 9:45 PM IST. I noticed the Internal Server Errors when connecting to Google server by Pidgin messenger. I retried again and again, but the problem still poped up. I went to Twitter and found out, I wasn’t the only one that experienced this problem.... [READ MORE]

Log In With Username / E-Mail in PHP Login System

If your login system have both username and email parameter, then you can allow your users to log in with username or email. This is very easy for users, because if they forget their username, then they can log in with their email address. I will tell you an easy to way to set up log in with both username and email. It’s very easy. Demo A change in your SQL query can make this possible.... [READ MORE]



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