Posts marked with "HTML" in categories

Create Simple Username Availability Checker Using jQuery & PHP

Many sites have signup pages. Every programmers try to make the signup pages attractive by adding stylish input CSS codes and others. Why not add a stylish username availability checker ? It’s very easy to add and will work on jQuery versions 1.2 and up. I’m also going to tell you how to check if username is available in the server side. Of course it’s PHP. The checking is SQL Injection free too.... [READ MORE]

How To Create A HTML, CSS, JS Code Editor Using jQuery

There are a lot of HTML editing services in the Web. Some of the popular services are JsFiddle and JsBin. These sites offer saving function to your account too. If you want to create a site like JSFiddle, then you are at the right place. I’m going to tell you how to create a basic HTML editing software using jQuery. The editor we’re going to create also has a live preview service which means that the user don’t have to submit the code form every time.... [READ MORE]

Create Your Own URL Shortening Service Using PHP & jQuery

I made a URL shortening service a year back using PHP & jQuery. It was pretty simple. You should know the concept of URL Shortening. The concept is simple. When a user sends a request to short a URL, PHP will check if the URL is valid. If it’s valid then PHP will make a string of 5 or 6 characters. A folder is created with the name of this string and an index.php file with header function code is created in this folder.... [READ MORE]

Automatically Redirect A Blogger Blog To Another URL

You can redirect your blog to another URL. This redirection can be done using JavaScript or by adding a special meta tag. This redirection is useful when you want to redirect your old blog users to your new blog. The function we use in JavaScript is window.location and the meta tag has http-equiv attribute. DEMO So Let’s begin. Go to Blogger -> Blog to be redirected -> Template -> Edit HTML. You will get a box with a lot of text.... [READ MORE]

Upload Image To Remote Server With PHP cURL & Handle File in Remote Server

If you want to upload images to an external server which is uploaded to your site by a client, you are at the right tutorial. For this submission we will use 2 files : form.php – The Page Where we will show the client the form. This file also sends the uploaded data to the external server. handle.php – The Page on the external server which receives the uploaded data from form.... [READ MORE]

Setting Iframe height to its content height using Javascript

While loading an iframe on page the most difficult thing is to set it’s height to the height of the content of the iframe. I looked around the web and got the code. This is pure Javascript, doesn’t contain jQuery or any other libraries. Set these functions : function getDocHeight(doc) {     doc = doc || document;     var body = doc.body, html = doc.documentElement;     var height = Math.... [READ MORE]

Create MySQL Injection free Secure Login System in PHP

There were a lot of people who created tutorials to create a PHP Login System. But they were all vulnerable to MySQL Injection. In this post I’m going to demonstrate a login system free of this vulnerability. It is very secure. There are mysqli and PDO in PHP to escape these injections. We are going to use **PDO ( PHP Data Object **). Download Demo UPDATE – logSys There is a new, free, better Advanced Login System which you can check out here.... [READ MORE]

Setting Infinite Width on an element – HTML

The maximum width we can add on a div is 100%. What if you want more than that ? The solution is not to add more percentage to div but to do something other. Adding white-space property. This will only work on the main parent elements such as elements with display property as follows: block table inline-block So now you know what are the main parent elements. Now back to the point, to add infinite width set the white-space property to the value nowrap.... [READ MORE]

Fix: Dynamic Views failed to load properly

Well, this problem is pretty annoying to everyone who is using Dynamic Views, even to me. It’s a Blogger fault as always and there has not been a solution to the problem since it started on the Dynamic Views launch. Päivi & Santeri of Global Nomads founded a solution to this problem. Oh! I didn’t said the problem was. The problem is that the whole Blog will fail to load completely/properly. Some of the problems happen when the blog won’t properly load are listed below:... [READ MORE]

Vertically center align an element using CSS

Vertical alignment is difficult to find a solution. But I will tell you a simple way to align a div vertically center. The CSS property you’re going to use for this purpose is vertical-align. Here is the code of a div aligned vertically. #adiv{ display:inline-block; vertical-align:middle; } This only works for div with the display property inline-block and some others which I don’t know. But it’s better to use inline-block.... [READ MORE]



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This blog was once on WordPress. Now a static site. See source code on
