Posts marked with "WEB" in tags

How To Create A Simple Web Crawler in PHP

A Web Crawler is a program that crawls through the sites in the Web and indexes those URL‘s. Search Engines uses a crawler to index URL’s on the Web. Google uses a crawler written in Python. There are other search engines that uses different types of crawlers. In this post I’m going to tell you how to create a simple Web Crawler in PHP. The codes shown here was created by me.... [READ MORE]

Create a free .tk domain website with free hosting by AppFog

DEMO This free .tk domain is made available by a company called Dot TK and the free hosting is provided by AppFog. Create free hosting for site Go to AppFog Signup page Fill up the form and click Signup. Go to Create an app Choose an application: Choose a infrastructure and a subdomain (I use HP): After filling up form, click on Create App. You will be automatically redirected to the app panel.... [READ MORE]

10 Songs for Making Programming Better

When I am coding my site Open or my blog, I hear a lot of songs along with coding. It makes me energetic and will help calm me down when an error occurs. The error probably will be a simple mistake but causes a lot of time to solve it. To calm me down I will play a song and BINGO ! I fixed the error. Here are the songs that make my coding easier and refreshes my mind.... [READ MORE]



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