Posts marked with "header" in tags

Download Zip Files Dynamically in PHP

Zip file downloading is used by websites. The most important and popular of them is WordPress. They use Zip files for downloading plugins, themes and even their versions. They do it ofcourse, dynamically. You just provide the location of the file and PHP will download it to the user for you. Actually HTTP headers have the main role in the downloading. Demo We make the headers using header function in PHP and the browser will take care of the rest.... [READ MORE]

E-Mail Verification Script In PHP Using Mailgun API

As years goes, so does the increase in SPAM on the web. Most users sign up on services with a fake E-Mail. They might even use other’s E-Mail for signing up. This is a big problem, because when you send an email to the signed up user, it goes to the wrong guy. So, you should verify user’s email before signing them up. You might think that it would cost database memory.... [READ MORE]

Create Your Own URL Shortening Service Using PHP & jQuery

I made a URL shortening service a year back using PHP & jQuery. It was pretty simple. You should know the concept of URL Shortening. The concept is simple. When a user sends a request to short a URL, PHP will check if the URL is valid. If it’s valid then PHP will make a string of 5 or 6 characters. A folder is created with the name of this string and an index.php file with header function code is created in this folder.... [READ MORE]

How to redirect users to a page in PHP

If you want to redirect users to a specific page or url like when user is not logged in or something in PHP then you can accomplish this with header function or by Javascript printed by echo function. The following example will redirect user to Or you can use the normal Javascript : What’s the difference ? header function is called in server itself not when the page reaches the browser.... [READ MORE]



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