Posts marked with "API" in tags

E-Mail Verification Script In PHP Using Mailgun API

As years goes, so does the increase in SPAM on the web. Most users sign up on services with a fake E-Mail. They might even use other’s E-Mail for signing up. This is a big problem, because when you send an email to the signed up user, it goes to the wrong guy. So, you should verify user’s email before signing them up. You might think that it would cost database memory.... [READ MORE]

Send Free E-Mails Using Mailgun API in PHP

E-Mails increases your site’s traffic. E-Mails are used in websites that require E-Mail verification to Reset Passwords. There is already a mail function in PHP, but the E-Mails that are sent via PHP‘s mail function goes to SPAM folder in most of the mail services. So, developers use API services to send E-Mails that gets received on user’s Inbox. Most of the API‘s need money to use. If you are a starting developer, you need a Free service.... [READ MORE]

Implementing Login With Facebook In PHP

In the last post, I introduced you to a PHP OAuth Class named OAuth API. In this post I’m going to tell you how to implement Login With Facebook feature in PHP using the class I introduced. It’s very simple. I will tell the ways of implementing step by step. This tutorial includes placing a Login with Facebook button on web site to authorization and finishes when we get user details.... [READ MORE]

Uploading Images Using Imgur API in PHP

This tutorial was a request from Anandu. Imgur provides developers to upload images anonymously using their app. For this you only need to signup for Imgur and get an Application Client ID. In this post I’m going to tell you the step by step process of uploading images using Imgur API in PHP. This is pretty easy. You only have to send a POST request to a file on their site.... [READ MORE]

Login with Google OAuth without using Google PHP Library

Google PHP Library is very hard to use and is very long. It wasted a lot of my time. So I decided to do it manually. I created a new library for Google OAuth in PHP. Download Demo It is very simple to use and you don’t have to worry about a thing. FAQ How to get a client Id and Client Secret ? 1) Go to and create a new project.... [READ MORE]



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