Posts marked with "Server" in tags

Getting IP Address of Your Friend Through Chat

It’s awesome to get into the depth of the network, especially when it’s the internet. An IP address can get you to a person far away from your home. It will make you mind blown when you dig deeper into the internet network. As you may have read, netstat -an command gave you the IP address of user through Facebook chat. But, this works no more. But, there are still ways to do this.... [READ MORE]

Create Live Group Chat With PHP, jQuery & WebSocket

With the introduction of HTML5, a new technology was evolved in 2011 called WebSockets. This technology enables live connection with the server even after the page finished loading. It’s a better, replaceable version of AJAX for client to server communication in the background. With WebSocket technology, its possible to have a direct communication between server and client without any interruption and faster data transmission. So, to demonstrate this to me and for you, We’re going to create a live group chat with PHP, jQuery with the help of WebSockets.... [READ MORE]

Upload Image To Remote Server With PHP cURL & Handle File in Remote Server

If you want to upload images to an external server which is uploaded to your site by a client, you are at the right tutorial. For this submission we will use 2 files : form.php – The Page Where we will show the client the form. This file also sends the uploaded data to the external server. handle.php – The Page on the external server which receives the uploaded data from form.... [READ MORE]

Check whether request is made from Ajax – PHP

To check whether a request has been made is from Ajax or not you can use $_SERVER[‘HTTP_X_REQUESTED_WITH’]. See the following example: There you go. You now know how to check whether request made to file is from an Ajax Call or not in PHP.... [READ MORE]

Creating a custom 404 Not Found page in Apache Server.

DEMO You might have seen a 404 page on different sites such as Google,Yahoo etc… You can make this on your website too if you are using Apache Server. The default 404 page will be like this : It’s just simple plain HTML 404 page and it’s ugly. To Change the default 404 page Do as below. Go to your site’s folder. Create a file named .htaccess (just .htaccess no name only file extension). Open the file and add the line.... [READ MORE]



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