I decided to create a new social network. I already created 3 social networks, 2 is under project and one another was online. Among the 2 under going projects is Open which I decided to make it Open Source. Hence the name, Open. It is currently available for subscribing @ http://open.subinsb.com which will soon be completely online. I didn’t had the time to work on it because of the **Bundles **of school projects (GOD!... [READ MORE]
Posts marked with "Posts" in posts
How To Remove Smart Quotes From Posts In WordPress
If your WordPress blog contains code snippets, WordPress will make the quotes in the codes look fancy. The quotes will become something like **‘ **and ’. If you can’t see it well, here it is : **‘ **’ When a reader of your blog copies your code, the special characters (quotes) will be copied with the code instead of the real code quotes. When this happens the code won’t work. This happened to me yesterday.... [READ MORE]
Uploading Images Using Imgur API in PHP
This tutorial was a request from Anandu. Imgur provides developers to upload images anonymously using their app. For this you only need to signup for Imgur and get an Application Client ID. In this post I’m going to tell you the step by step process of uploading images using Imgur API in PHP. This is pretty easy. You only have to send a POST request to a file on their site.... [READ MORE]
Google + Profile URL Shortening Now Available To The Public
The wait is over. Now you can short your Google + long profile URL to something like http://www.google.com/+SubinSiby. Yes, you can get a short URL on google.com. Google made this public 3 or 4 days ago. I got a mail saying that your profile is now eligible to short. In this post I’m going to tell the step by step procedure to short the long URL. If you got the mail already you can skip Step 1. Step 1 Go to your Google+ profile page.... [READ MORE]
How To Create A Simple Web Crawler in PHP
A Web Crawler is a program that crawls through the sites in the Web and indexes those URL‘s. Search Engines uses a crawler to index URL’s on the Web. Google uses a crawler written in Python. There are other search engines that uses different types of crawlers. In this post I’m going to tell you how to create a simple Web Crawler in PHP. The codes shown here was created by me.... [READ MORE]
How To Check If Internet Connection Exists In jQuery & Javascript
If you are running an app on the web that requires Internet Connection all the time, sometimes the internet connection will fail on the client side and your app won’t properly work. The best example is the New Tab Chrome Apps that will display the URL icons grayscale when offline and will make the icons back to color when online. To check whether the client’s internet connection is online, we use jQuery.... [READ MORE]
How To Add A Simple Birthday Field In A Form Using jQuery
There are certain laws on the Web. One of them is the COPPA law which clarifies the minimum age of a user to signup for a site. The minimum age is 13. If any site allows users under 13 to signup, it is considered illegal. So it’s necessary to add a birthday field in site’s Sign-Up form. So I’m going to tell you how to add a simple, stylish birthday field to your Sign-Up form.... [READ MORE]
How To Create A Simple Password Strength Checker In jQuery
A lot of new hacking methods are coming day by day. So it’s the programmers duty to make their user’s password secure. Here is a simple Password Strength Checker created using jQuery. The code contain a function got from WordPress (I modified it) which is the core component of the checker. This checker will check the following on the password : Have minimum value of 4 characters. Whether the username matches with password Whether the password contain small a-z characters and capital A-Z characters.... [READ MORE]
Create Simple Username Availability Checker Using jQuery & PHP
Many sites have signup pages. Every programmers try to make the signup pages attractive by adding stylish input CSS codes and others. Why not add a stylish username availability checker ? It’s very easy to add and will work on jQuery versions 1.2 and up. I’m also going to tell you how to check if username is available in the server side. Of course it’s PHP. The checking is SQL Injection free too.... [READ MORE]
How To Create A HTML, CSS, JS Code Editor Using jQuery
There are a lot of HTML editing services in the Web. Some of the popular services are JsFiddle and JsBin. These sites offer saving function to your account too. If you want to create a site like JSFiddle, then you are at the right place. I’m going to tell you how to create a basic HTML editing software using jQuery. The editor we’re going to create also has a live preview service which means that the user don’t have to submit the code form every time.... [READ MORE]