Posts marked with "Posts" in posts

Image Handling On Client Side With Base64 In PHP

Every website needs images. It make the site attractive and beautiful. But sometimes, images won’t get loaded. The latest **Browsers **have a feature that generates image on a base64 string. Most of the browser have it. In this post I’m going to describe the way to use base64 in displaying images on a website. What’s base64 ? Base64 is a encrypting method which is available in many languages. It can be used for encrypting and decrypting.... [READ MORE]

Replace Broken Images With Default Image Using JavaScript OR jQuery OR HTML

Images are common in web pages now a days. These images make the web page attractive and beautiful. But sometimes due to problems, some images won’t load completely. When the image doesn’t load completely, that image is said to be a broken image. When the image is broken, the Browser will replace that broken image with an ugly image or replace the broken image with a blank space. I have included a broken image below.... [READ MORE]

Implementing Login With Facebook In PHP

In the last post, I introduced you to a PHP OAuth Class named OAuth API. In this post I’m going to tell you how to implement Login With Facebook feature in PHP using the class I introduced. It’s very simple. I will tell the ways of implementing step by step. This tutorial includes placing a Login with Facebook button on web site to authorization and finishes when we get user details.... [READ MORE]

Implementing OAuth System Using OAuth API Library In PHP

OAuth Login System is one of the needed system in a website. There are many online services that have their own OAuth system. Popular Services have their own PHP OAuth library and documentation. But, we’re gonna use a simpler and a common Library for all of those services. This common library (OAuth API) is created by founder Manuel Lemos. His library can be used to authorize many API‘s including Facebook, Twitter, Google.... [READ MORE]

Open : An Open Source Social Network Is Released

I’m excited to announce that Open, the Open Source Social Network initiated by me is released. Actually it has been released on December 1st, but was undergoing many bug fixes and was making it smooth on the WWW. You can access Open @ ** **If you would like to contribute to this project, there are a few ways : Report Bugs, Issues & Suggestions ( Fix errors on Source Code (https://github.... [READ MORE]

How To Open/Show A Select Element Using jQuery

The default select elements looks ugly and if you want to create beautiful sites, its better to not use select element. But what if you really want to use select element ? The only way to accomplish this is to create a dynamic select box which functions just like the HTML select element. In this post I’m going to show you the way to create a fake select box that will open when clicked and when the user selects an option, the select box will automatically close.... [READ MORE]

How To Add Back jQuery .live() & .die() Function

As you may know, jQuery removed .live() function and instead they told to use .on() function. But I didn’t like this because .on() needs up more parameters than .live() and to handle a click function you have to add an event to the document, instead of the element. A normal live click event code is like this $("#element").live("click",function(){ dosomething(); }); When using .on() to do the same task, the code will be like this :... [READ MORE]

Executing JavaScript Code In AJAX Response

This is the first post I am creating related to the Open project. This trick is used for posting posts and making that post appear at the first of the post feed. This tutorial will guide you on how to execute JavaScript code which is in the response of AJAX call. We are going to use **jQuery **for both AJAX handling. This is the AJAX response : <script>alert("Hello Subin");</script> With a plain AJAX response, the code won’t execute.... [READ MORE]

Open : An Open Source Social Network

I decided to create a new social network. I already created 3 social networks, 2 is under project and one another was online. Among the 2 under going projects is Open which I decided to make it Open Source. Hence the name, Open. It is currently available for subscribing @ which will soon be completely online. I didn’t had the time to work on it because of the **Bundles **of school projects (GOD!... [READ MORE]

How To Remove Smart Quotes From Posts In WordPress

If your WordPress blog contains code snippets, WordPress will make the quotes in the codes look fancy. The quotes will become something like **‘ **and ’. If you can’t see it well, here it is : **‘ **’ When a reader of your blog copies your code, the special characters (quotes) will be copied with the code instead of the real code quotes. When this happens the code won’t work. This happened to me yesterday.... [READ MORE]



Mastodon  Twitter

GitHub GitLab


Demos  Lab


This blog was once on WordPress. Now a static site. See source code on
