Install Realtek d723 WiFi driver for GNU/Linux

Read {count} times since 2020

I’ve been doing a lot of Linux Mint installations lately and one very annoying thing that I found in 2 laptops was the non availability of WiFi driver. Apparently, it’s a new hardware and is not in the Linux kernel.

The hardware is Realtek device d723. This new WiFi hardware is being shipped in new PCs and laptops now. Without having the internet, one can’t do almost anything. So it’s important to have this fixed up.

UPDATE : Added a new method to make it work on Ubuntu 18.04 LTS

If method 1 doesn’t work for you, try method 2 or method 3.

Getting Internet

We need a temporary internet connection to fix WiFi. Ways to connect :

  • Connect USB cable and use USB Tethering in your phone to connect your computer to the internet (through phone’s cellular data/WiFi)
  • Use wired ethernet cable for connecting to internet

Finding Device

Open a terminal and do the command lspci. You will see all the PCI devices of your system. If you have the d723 device, you can see it at the bottom :

lspci output

Or to quickly know if you have the d723 WiFi hardware, do :

lspci | grep d723


You should install the corresponding header of your kernel :

sudo apt-get install linux-headers-`uname -r`

Next, install the packages necessary for building :

sudo apt-get install git build-essential dkms

Method 1

This is the RECOMMENDED METHOD because in future, when kernel is updated, the installed driver will be automatically compiled to make it work in newer kernel.

We’re gonna use the driver available in this GitHub repository’s extended branch.

To simplify everything, run the following commands one by one :

git clone -b extended --single-branch
sudo dkms add rtlwifi_new
sudo dkms install rtlwifi-new/0.6

Restart your computer. And you’ll get your WiFi !

Method 2

We’re gonna use the driver available in this GitHub repository’s extended branch.

To simplify everything, run the following commands one by one :

wget -d -c -O '' '';
cd rtlwifi_new-extended;
sudo make install;
sudo modprobe -r rtl8723de;
sudo modprobe rtl8723de;

What the commands does is download the GitHub repository (extended branch) with wget. If your system doesn’t have wget, install it :

sudo apt install wget

After that, the downloaded zip file is extracted with unzip. Then inside the extracted folder, the drivers are compiled and installed with make & make install

After that the drivers are enabled using the modprobe command with sudo.

PS : Thanks to Bruno Loy for confirming that this works !

Method 3

smlinux has made a driver for d723. Compiling it and installing it will help you connect to WiFi.

First step is to identify the version of your Linux kernel :

uname -r

The driver is different according to the Linux kernel version. Only the driver to download will vary. Rest of the installation steps are the same.


Now according to the kernel version download the driver :

4.11 and up

If the Linux kernel version is 4.11 or greater (>=4.11), then download this file :

wget -d -c -O ''
4.10 and down

If the Linux kernel version is 4.10 or below (<=4.10), then download this file :

wget -d -c -O ''

Build & Install

Now let’s build the driver and install it.

After the download of the driver zip file, extract it :


Go into the extracted folder, build it and install it :

cd rtl8723de
sudo make install


After the installation, restart your computer. After the restart, you’ll be able to connect to WiFi :

WiFi connections


“Required key not available”

The easiest solution is to disable Secure Boot in UEFI settings. Solution here.

Poor WiFi Range

Open a terminal and do :

sudo modprobe rtl8723be ant_sel=1

If that doesn’t fix it, do this instead :

sudo modprobe rtl8723be ant_sel=2

This is a temporary solution. To make it permanent, we need to run it every time the system starts. For that, edit the file /etc/rc.local :

sudo gedit /etc/rc.local

Replace gedit above with whatever text editor you have.

Then, in that file add :

sleep 10
sudo modprobe -r rtl8723be
sudo modprobe rtl8723be ant_sel=1

Replace ant_sel=1 above with the one that worked for you. Either ‘1’ or ‘2’.