U can watch transit of Venus in your Computer
Edubuntu operating system using Stellarium.To know more click the link below
<b>To view in Ubuntu </b><br />Go to<br /><span style="color: blue;"><b>Applications –> Ubuntu Software Center –></b></span><br />and search for <b>Stellarium </b>and click install button<br />Then do the steps as shown below</div>
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<b><span style="color: blue;">Applications—>Science—->Stellarium</span></b>
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in tool bar select <b><span style="color: blue;">location window</span></b> , then select country name the location u need
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here we type India country name and location kunnamkulam
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in tool bar select<span style="color: blue;"> <b>Search window</b></span>
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<span style="color: blue;">find objec</span>t position
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in here we type <b>venus </b>on the search box
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by scrolling mouse you can zoom the selected object
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in tool bar select <b><span style="color: blue;">Date And Time</span></b>
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adjust the date <b>2012/6/6 </b>and time <b>1:00:00</b>
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in status bar selec<span style="color: blue;">t <b>inceasing and decreasing the time</b></span>
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using the keyes <b>L</b> and<b> J </b>on key- board
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The transit also between the time <b>6:00 to 10:15 in kunnamkulam</b><br /><b><br /></b>
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