E4KS : The Great Work Done By Rajeev Joseph

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There are millions of bloggers and blogs in the World Wide Web (WWW). 90 % of those blogs are useful. There are a lot of people who would visit those blogs. Since there are a lot of viewers, most of the blog owners would set up ads on their blog to get maximum revenue. Most of the Bloggers (including me) only set up blogs just to get revenue from it. I’m gonna introduce you to a man that has helped a lot of students (including me) of Kerala. His name is Rajeev Joseph. Check out his Google + profile here. And his blog is English4KeralaSyllabus :

As you can see it’s a typical blog with a lot of posts and pages. But what you won’t see are ads !
Yes, He didn’t put up ads on his blog. With Page Views like that, he could have made thousands of Dollars. In the field of education in Kerala, this man has helped a lot of students (including me). That’s one of the reasons why the blog got a lot of Page Views.
He could have made thousands of Dollars by monetizing with ads, but he didn’t. He don’t even ask for donations. This blog is the best example for "giving without expecting anything in return" also known as generosity.
Another Example of generosity is Wikipedia. Actually E4KS (English4KeralaSyllabus) is like Wikipedia.
Thank You Rajeev sir for making the blog ad-free and keep continuing the good work.