Posts marked with "Program" in categories

Free Translate Using Google Without API

Google Translate is one of the best tools on the internet that translates text to another language. Currently it supports 90+ languages. Google has its API for translate, but its not free and you have to go through a lot of procedures. It’s boring, right ? If your app/website needs a translator, this post will help you. As you know Google Translate is a web app and you can monitor the requests it sends to the server.... [READ MORE]

The Francium Project

I have made lots of classes and plan to create more and more. But, all of these are just scrambled all over. Here’s what I’m talking about : new LoginSystem(); new FDM(); If you use another class named the same, then it will bring conflicts within your code. So, I decided them to group it with the namespace Fr, short for Francium – one of the least electronegative elements in the periodic table.... [READ MORE]

Coding Standards

Writing programs should be meaningful and in a long future, if you or anyone looks back at the code, then he/she must understand it. We all write codes, but do we have a standard of writing the code ? If we write codes without any standards and just go for it, then the program would be messy and no other programmer would like to read it. Here’s what I’m talking about : A guy writes code as he like :... [READ MORE]

Drupal 8 HTML5 Initiative

HTML5 is the newest HTML version and it has tons of new features. New input types, output & input (audio, video) and many more. It is now absolutely necessary for projects to move to HTML5 to enjoy new features. Drupal is also converting to HTML5 in the upcoming stable 8.0 release. Drupal has started the HTML5 Initiative to convert Drupal to HTML5. Now, this will upgrade Drupal into new heights.... [READ MORE]

Reproducing Drupal Contact Module Issue

This post contains information regarding the Drupal Core issue. This post will explain how the bug was reproduced and how the test patch was created. The bug was “Wrong message displayed after contact form mail(s) cannot be sent”. Requires Drupal 8.0 Contact Module Note that URLs mentioned in this post “" is the URL of your Drupal installation and “/mydrupalsite” is the folder location of Drupal installation. Reproducing Bug First of all we need to make a contact form page.... [READ MORE]

How To Log Out Using Terminal in Ubuntu Linux

There is no specific command to logout in an Ubuntu system. Why ? Here’s how it works. The desktop you’re seeing is a separate software. They are called Desktop Environments (DE). The default DE of Ubuntu is Unity from Ubuntu’s 11.04 versions. Before it was GNOME. There are many DEs for Ubuntu. Some of them are : Openbox XFCE LXDE and many more.. There are also separate Login Managers to provide the login screen while Ubuntu is loaded.... [READ MORE]

10 Songs for Making Programming Better

When I am coding my site Open or my blog, I hear a lot of songs along with coding. It makes me energetic and will help calm me down when an error occurs. The error probably will be a simple mistake but causes a lot of time to solve it. To calm me down I will play a song and BINGO ! I fixed the error. Here are the songs that make my coding easier and refreshes my mind.... [READ MORE]



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