Posts marked with "UI" in tags

New Theme Brenton

It’s been some time since I have been active on this blog. For the past months, I had been paying little attention to my blog. It’s because I was busy with other projects and school of course. From now on, I’ll try to make the blog more active. As a first step, I have updated the theme. This is the third update to the theme. The previous themes were named “Subin’s Blog V1” & “Subin’s Blog V2”.... [READ MORE]

Theme Version 2

If you are reading this post, you should have seen the new UI of my blog. It’s a custom made theme created in a week during the exams. It’s similar to the old theme because, I liked it colorful and dark at the same time. I’m a Batman fan and black is good for the eyes. As a programmer, you don’t want to hurt your eyes. The theme is named “Subin’s Blog V2”.... [READ MORE]

Create Table Rows With Alternate Colours in PHP

If you have a lot of rows on a table, users will find it difficult to find which cell is in what row. This is because all the rows have the same colour. If we alternate the colours, then the table will be more understandable. We can alternate colours odd-even wise or by 3 rows etc. It can be easily done in PHP. I will tell you two ways to do it.... [READ MORE]



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